Day 7
Day 7 – Reflections
Updated: Aug 15
It’s been so difficult to see her upset, heart-breaking really. But the Gambian hospital is wonderful and very efficient. The doctors are the nicest people. All our focus has been on her, so coming back to everything going on in Gunjur has been difficult.
Other challenges? The heat – you expect it, of course, but nothing prepares you for it. Because of the heat everyone’s a bit tired, a bit ill. It’s very hard not to feel low sometimes.
The highlights of the week? My Gambian partner is incredible. She’s just so lovely and I adore her. Today I was a bit upset and she gave me space without me having to ask which was just what I needed.
And being here has made me appreciate certain things back home. Little things, like curling my hair. I’m having two weeks here without any of the things I’m used to. You don’t need that; it’s nice to have it, but you don’t need it.
I loved Tobaski (which is a central Muslim festival) and experiencing the communal atmosphere. Watching maybe three to four thousand people praying together.
And going to play football, and swimming in the sea. I loved that so much. When I lived in Poole, I used to walk my dog along the beach, sit on the rocks, the whole beach thing. So, being at the beach here made me feel calm. Actually, it was the first time I’ve felt calm since we’ve been here.
I played catch in the sea with the Gambian partners. It was so sweet.
Bugs. They’re so annoying. I’ve been bitten to pieces. I really hate the mosquitoes and flies. When I go home and someone says there’s such a lot of flies, I’ll be able to say, you think this is a lot? You should see the flies in The Gambia.
Abbie going into hospital has been terrible, but I’ve really learned a lot from it. It’s made me recognise the value of the support system around us. I mean our friends all looking out for one another and helping, and TTV, the doctors, and the Gambians.
Katie Moxham, 17 Kingsbury Green Academy
Emily Jenkins, 17 Kingsbury Green Academy