Thriving Through Venture

Strengthening individual resilience to take on life's challenges.





Thriving Through Venture is a registered charity that supports young people between 16 and 18 years of age to build their confidence and self-esteem so they can make positive choices and meet life's challenges.

Thriving Through Venture is a charity founded by Caro Strover, with support from Dr Nick Maurice OBE, in recognition of the challenges facing young people today as they move into adulthood.

The programme involves 16-18 year olds from Wiltshire and Swindon.

These volunteers work together as a team in their local communities in the UK, and also with fellow young people in the community of Gunjur in The Gambia, building on the long twinned relationship that Marlborough in Wiltshire has enjoyed with this community. Each year there is a different theme that guides the work within the different projects that the young people undertake

Thriving Through Venture is delighted to be taking a group of Year 12 students from schools in Wiltshire & Swindon out to Gunjur in The Gambia on 22 May 2025.

Changing young people's lives



“My journey with Thriving Through Venture facilitated a truly life-changing experience...

 I am amazed at how much my perspective of the world has shifted”

UK Participant



The programme for 2025 includes the theme: Identity and Community and Global Community


Volunteers gain a meaningful lifetime skill that fundamentally influences their ways of seeing.

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Volunteers develop their writing skills and connect with the older generation by listening to their stories.

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Migration is a global issue. 'The world is on the move!' How does this affect identity?


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"It was Einstein who said that ignorance is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
We need to rethink how we support our young people in their preparation for adulthood."

Caro Strover, Educational Psychologist


Please consider donating to Thriving Through Venture charity so we can run more programmes to change more young people’s lives