Mango Business Project
Developing the local economy.
The 2018 Mango Business Project, guided by TTV’s co-director and Trustee, Dr Nick Maurice OBE, investigated the export opportunities for The Gambia’s mango industry. With the support of Fair Trade and the Marlborough branch of Tesco, the team of four young people drew up a business plan that outlines the potential for exporting mangos to West Africa and to Europe. It’s currently being read by potential investors and business developers and will hopefully prove instrumental in improving the lives of those in Gunjur through its development of the mango industry.

The Mango Business Project
The young volunteers on this project will be introduced to a real life project that will teach them about business processes and fair trade within both a national and international perspective. Experiencing the start of a business project that will have a huge impact on the local economy of Gunjur, so improving the health and wealth of this poor community and providing employment to the currently unemployed youth, will be empowering for the TTV volunteers as well as educational.
The Gambia
Thriving Through Venture has the backing of the President Barrow of The Gambia and the Government Minister, Dr Isatou Touray, in particular with regards to the Mango Business Project as this has the potential to have a very significant and positive impact on communities in The Gambia, starting with the Gunjur community.

Mango Business Mentors
Dr Nick Maurice
Allison Burden
Caro Strover
Baii Jabang
Dr Nick Maurice with Allison Burden and Caro Strover will be leading the Mango Business Project with Baii Jabang the director of Tarud, the Trust Agency for Rural Development in Gunjur.
'Great things in business are never done by one person.
They're done by a team of people.'
- Steve Jobs