Day 5
Today we started early by eating breakfast at 8am, after that we took a long refreshing walk along the Gambian road and headed for the beach. Along the way, we saw a beautiful sand mosque. As we passed it multiple people waved at us as they were really friendly. We chilled at the beach and played in the sand and then we headed back for a quick banana break! Then we headed out to the partners’ school where we found out they didn’t have glass windows and their library didn’t have books. After that we headed to watch the prayers and pick up our Gambian partners where we finished off playing in the pool where everyone enjoyed themselves!
Today was interesting. In the early morning we walked to the Namasu bar and relaxed in the morning breeze before driving to the prayer room. We were a little bit confused on what we were supposed to be doing at the prayer room so we left quite quickly. We spent the rest of the day in the lodge chilling with our Gambian friends. We played Uno and swam with them after lunch and had a great time.
Today we had a scenic beach walk where we went past the pretty sand mosque. As we continued to the beach, we bathed on the loungers and stroked a dog. Before going into a mosque, one of the people at the Gunjur Project complimented my skirt and then put my head covering on for me.
Then, we met with our partners for lunch, uno, and a pool party.